/ Lisa Kievits - Page 18

PPM #4 Knot Dress (Musubu)

The results of the poll were very clear: 68% of you wanted to see the Musubu as my next project. 25% chose Dekoboko, and only 6% chose Otoshiana. So I guess you still have a preferance for pretty dresses with big bows, huh? It was funny to see the result, I thought as a pattern the Musubu was the least interesting and not something I’d wear even though it looks the most wearable. Turns out I was wrong! I had so much fun making this. And as a bonus it turned out to be very wearable even for me, so you chose well. Thanks for participating! I included some sewing instructions, because I have a feeling you’ll want to make one too. I’ll do a special post on how to tie a nice bow later this week. I hope it fulfills your expectations!


Lessons From the GBSB

Have you been watching the Great British Sewing Bee? Did you like it? I loved it. Apart from the joy of watching other people sew, I liked that it gives sewing some exposure. I mean, our (mostly online) sewing community is usually a world quite hidden from the rest of our lives and those who don’t sew. Since we’ve started a pattern business I’m having a hard time changing my story. You know, when people ask you what you do. My algae story is a very clear one and people usually find it interesting. It sounds like I’m contributing something to this world. But when I say I’m starting a sewing pattern company, the response is mixed. “Do people still sew? They need patterns to do this? And they’re willing to pay money for these patterns?”