/ patternmagic

Pattern Magic 3 – Review

This year on my birthday I was surprised with a book I didn’t even know was coming out – Pattern Magic 3. I have the other three books, 1,2 and Stretch Fabrics, and as you know I’m fascinated by them. A few years back I attempted to make something from the books each month, but I didn’t get further than May. I still long to go back to this project, the pattern manipulation is just mind boggling and really gives you a totally different perspective on what you can do with a flat piece of paper/fabric. For now, I’ll stick to discussing this new addition to the series. Enjoy!


Pattern Magic: Cowl Back Tee

So! First pattern magic post in a long time. I wanted to start simple and potentially wearable so I chose Studio faro’s Drape Back Tee. Studio Faro’s approach is not much different than the Pattern Magic books: a short explanation of how to manipulate the pattern, minimal measurements and no construction methods explained. This makes it more of an adventure I think, you just have to eyeball most of the measurements, make up your own construction order and then hope for the best. Fun!


Pattern Magic Inspiration

Hurray, it’s time for the continuation of the Pattern Magic series! Back in 2013 I wanted to make one pattern from the Pattern Magic books each month, but got stranded after month 5. We were preparing for our big trip, I was working during the day and drafting the Jade in the evenings, and there just wasn’t any time left. I am excited to get started again, I have found more Pattern Magic sources and I intend to use them all!


PPM #5 Playing with Facings

This is the first project of the second book. It was hard to choose one, there are so many interesting patterns in this book. But I decided to start with something simple and wearable. There’s a series for patterns that show how to alter the neckline by altering the facing. Marianna already showed one of them on a dress. An interesting concept, changing the outside by shaping from within.


How to Tie a Bow

Today I’ll show you how to tie a nice bow on the Musubu dress (or any other dress with a bow). Tying a bow when you’re looking at it from above can take some attempts to get it right. Follow the steps below and you”ll get it right the first time!


PPM #4 Knot Dress (Musubu)

The results of the poll were very clear: 68% of you wanted to see the Musubu as my next project. 25% chose Dekoboko, and only 6% chose Otoshiana. So I guess you still have a preferance for pretty dresses with big bows, huh? It was funny to see the result, I thought as a pattern the Musubu was the least interesting and not something I’d wear even though it looks the most wearable. Turns out I was wrong! I had so much fun making this. And as a bonus it turned out to be very wearable even for me, so you chose well. Thanks for participating! I included some sewing instructions, because I have a feeling you’ll want to make one too. I’ll do a special post on how to tie a nice bow later this week. I hope it fulfills your expectations!