/ Presidio

Presidio Purse: External Pockets

This customization option was the brainchild of Tia Cuervito. She wanted her cell phone and keys to be even more readily accessible than using pockets inside the purse and decided to add an additional pocket to the outside. In this tutorial we’ll show you how! One way to add an extra pocket on the outside…


Presidio Purse: Adding Piping

Adding piping is a fun way to add a pop of color or a bit of definition to your purse. Alice added a couple of different colors to hers and they sure make an otherwise plain bag pop (along with that great topstitching!)! Ellen put piping in just around the front inset to really make…


Presidio Purse: Handles

Drumroll please….. This is the last step of construction for the Presidio Purse! There are still a few posts to come on different customization options, but this is the last post you’ll need to sew your own, from start to finish. So, let’s get going! Handle A Sew Handle A interfacing to Handle A on…


Presidio Purse: Inserting the Zipper

If you want to insert piping at the edges of the zipper tape, sew it on now, following the “how to add piping” part of the sewalong. The way that this zipper is inserted, part of the zipper tape is visible, so your piping won’t show up much if it is the same color. If…


Presidio Purse: Front Insets and Body Construction

Insets There are three options in the pattern for customizing the front of your Presidio Purse – plain (ungathered) inserts, gathered inserts, or leave them off. Either gathered or ungathered insets can be piped and they can be cut from the main or a contrast fabric. If you are using gathered insets, you will start…


Presidio Purse: Marking the Fabric

There are several different places to mark on this pattern to help you get everything lined up perfectly and several different ways that you can make those marks. In short:– notches on Front/Back, Front/Back Lining, Insets (plain or gathered), Bottom/Sides and Bottom/Sides lining– cut lines on Front/Back (for inset insertion)– handle/anchor placement guides on Bottom/Sides–…